Sunday, January 9, 2011

Musique éternelle

My Juliet,

If there is a greater love, then I know not of it. My mind is tickled by the footsteps of the memories you leave behind; memories so divine. A kiss from the softest clouds on the most somber day could not compare to the the smiles that emit from your soul. I yearn to feel your soft hands caress my face as I pursue you into the secret of the night. The night that has captured our love and held it hostage in the most intimate way. My love is running over with desire, and my desire has transformed into passion. I dream of creating musical symphonys with your body; My hands the director and your body the orchestra. I cant help but kiss the nape of your soul. With every kiss I can taste the savor of a lifetime spent searching for this true love, in this true moment; our loves song. When our lips touch I can feel the drums beating harder and harder into the winds of eternity. With every chord hit we are drawn closer together. Can you hear the words whispered in your ear? "notre musique est toujours". At the conclusion of every measure your body begs for more. Our music climaxes with loud horns and melodic voices in harmony as we gasp for the priceless breath that feeds our spirits into their very existence. As we lay next to each other our moment has become eternity. As we lay next to each other our love has faded to a memory. My Juliet where art thou? My Ruth, where could you be....
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