Monday, December 19, 2011

Lil Bit of This~Lil Bit OF that

Most people focus on the big picture, not realizing that the big picture is compirsed of an almost infinite amount of small components. Pay Attention to small detail, and see if it wont make the big picture more clear and meaningful.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Final Stretch

I'm happy to say that i am weeks away from the start of my last semester :-).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

GrAd SkOoL

Its been a long time coming; 8 years to be exact. My educational journey has been more than just interesting. I have attended 3 different institutions of higher learning and have changed my major 3 different times in the process. I cant say that I regret any of the choices that I have made up to this point. I mean, i have made some pretty dumb decisions that have ultimately altered my life course; i regret none of them. My life is like a journey of education and enlightenment; as soon as i learn a lesson about my self and the cruel world i live in, another lesson is waiting for me. I currently find myself in an awkward position. Should i pursue the dual masters program, or should i pursue my doctorate? Both programs have their benefits and both are great roads to success and bliss but which path will make me happier? That is the point of life right? Pursuing Gods face and happiness? There is a lot to think about, and my time is running out.
I have a friend who sometimes i contact for help. Most of the time i think she hates me due to our past experiences, but overall i think she is a great person and i love her to death. She may be one of the few people on this earth that "GETS" me (side note, :-) i love how she plays with me). Our relationship reminds me of the young Simba and Nala, very playful and fun. I asked her, "woman, how did you decide to go to [unspecified]? was it hard? what did you think about?" her response was "I didn't think, i just did it, MAN". In many ways i am envious of her ability to Do. She was able to make her mind up on what she wanted and then pursued her goal. I love her for that. 

One day i will look back on my educational choice, that i have yet to make, and i will be satisfied with the route that i took, until then i guess i will just sit back and enjoy the journey to enlightenment!!!