Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cookies Bday Dinner

I had so much fun at cookies bday dinner, even though everyone was late. Great food, great fun and great people.
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The lil Birdy

My little Birdy I love you dear, you mean the world to me.
Your feathers, and chirps and songs and perks make me so happy.
I clipped your wings to keep you near but you still flew away.
But in the distance I still hear you sing, you will be back someday.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Master Gardener.

God is the master gardener, he grooms and prepares us to be the apart of his perfect floral masterpiece. Some of us are beautiful flowers, and others are tasty fruits. Some of us are wonderful veggies, and others are prickly cacti.

God is the master gardener, and the Holy Spirit is the soil we grown in, as well as the water that feeds our soul. Christ is the sun that gives us the power to grow spiritually; without it we have no eternal hope. Nevertheless we are all apart of his beautiful masterpiece.

God is the master gardener. He prunes and plucks us into perfection. He cuts the things that need to be cut and he does it in our best interest. When God cuts it hurts; God only cuts those that have the potential to grow and become better in their spiritual makeup.

The holy spirit is the soil that surrounds us. He is the water that dwells in out inner most parts, he is the power that gives us the ability to do any and all things. Without the spirit we are powerless.

Christ is the sunshine that we follow, without it we cease to grow, we cease to harvest, we cease to live.

God is the master Gardener....
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Just Some Thoughts

Because of you I'm able to dream big. I can do all things through him that strengthens me, but will do all things with you who completes me. Life without you would be a destinationless journey in which I wonder aroundaimlessly until my time runs out. My shoes were worn down to their souls and my legs had grown weary, until you came and replenished my hope for something better. They say it is better to have loved and lost then to have never of love at all. I say, it is best to love and grow old then to experience the pain of heart break ever. When you find something great, realize it before its to late, appreciate it everyday, and never let it get away.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Musique éternelle

My Juliet,

If there is a greater love, then I know not of it. My mind is tickled by the footsteps of the memories you leave behind; memories so divine. A kiss from the softest clouds on the most somber day could not compare to the the smiles that emit from your soul. I yearn to feel your soft hands caress my face as I pursue you into the secret of the night. The night that has captured our love and held it hostage in the most intimate way. My love is running over with desire, and my desire has transformed into passion. I dream of creating musical symphonys with your body; My hands the director and your body the orchestra. I cant help but kiss the nape of your soul. With every kiss I can taste the savor of a lifetime spent searching for this true love, in this true moment; our loves song. When our lips touch I can feel the drums beating harder and harder into the winds of eternity. With every chord hit we are drawn closer together. Can you hear the words whispered in your ear? "notre musique est toujours". At the conclusion of every measure your body begs for more. Our music climaxes with loud horns and melodic voices in harmony as we gasp for the priceless breath that feeds our spirits into their very existence. As we lay next to each other our moment has become eternity. As we lay next to each other our love has faded to a memory. My Juliet where art thou? My Ruth, where could you be....
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